Sunday, December 9, 2012

Home made salt dough ornaments

We're making salt dough ornaments today!  So simple: salt, flour and water and you have the recipe for a great afternoon with your kiddos!

The trick about salt dough is making sure you knead it well (at least 5 minutes).  Then, you want to make sure to role to dough smoothly to get the best looking ornaments.

Sometimes, after letting the boys knead the dough, I can escape and watch a movie!  They're so into it!

Helping hands makes light work!  Now it is time to get out the cookie cutters and delight the kids with the chance to make their favorite shapes.

It takes a lot of patience and kind-hearted teaching to help little ones understand how to use a cookie cutter.  Expect frustration!  It is a sign they are learning !  See below for proof!

He's learning….

He's not dumb, he is just learning…

Once you have a dozen or so shapes cut and ready to go, place them on a waxed paper lined baking sheet.  They should bake for close to 45 minutes at 200 degrees.  Don't they look cute?  I used white flour so that they would be white.

 Ready for the oven!

And they're done!

Take a fruit breather!

It is time to tie string or yarn on so they can be ornaments. I forgot to say, before you bake the cookies, be sure and poke a hole in each one so that they can be ornaments.  Tip:  use a sharp pencil or nail.   You could use colorful string or yarn.  Hint: String = emphasis on the color.  Yarn = emphasis on the ornaments.  Another hint:  Yarn against dough = nice contrast.  

These ornaments are just precious!  They are true family treasures and hold such memories for all of us.  Here is a look at some home made ornaments that we have kept over the years - true treasures!  Make them and keep them!

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